Peace ~ by Amy Condon

My family and I are partaking in the One Word Challenge. This is not a resolution for the new year but a life focus and an opportunity to see God through a specific revelation. Our words are peace, forgiveness, honesty, and respect. Each word is powerful but these words were very specific to each of us. My daughter struggles with honesty, she is a people pleaser and never wants to disappoint anyone so she lies to cover her mistakes. My husband needs to remember he is forgiven so he can forgive fully. My son said that God gave him many words but he chose respect. Finally, I chose peace because I struggle with peace in every aspect of my life.
There are so many scriptures about the peace God wants to give us. Why is it so hard to accept it? What a dumb question, because the answer is simple…I am human. It is so much easier to see the chaos in front of my eyes then the peace that passes understanding. I would rather choose to worry about finances then believe in God’s promises to meet my needs. I would rather try to control everything around me than trust that God is who he says he is. I would rather attempt to manipulate the future than believe God has a better plan for us then I could ever imagine.

Peace means trusting in God’s promises
Peace means being content in jobs and lifestyle as long as we are glorifying God
Peace means I don’t manipulate and force situations
Peace means I wait in joyful expectation of God’s movement in my life
Peace means I rest in the knowledge that God loves me and will be with me through all of life’s struggles
Peace means I forgive greater than humanly possible
Peace means I have a merciful, non-judgemental heart that desires all to come to the knowledge of Christ

I have given so much of my happiness away to worry, discontent, anger, judgement, un-forgiveness, and un-attainable expectations on myself and others. No more! I want peace, I want that sigh of relief. I want people to see peace in me rather than distraction and worry. In a year, I desire to be different, changed. Peace will change me, look for it!      ~ Amy Condon