All posts by North Raleigh Communications Committee

There Once Was a Girl

There once was a girl who was fascinated with young children, babies and the process of growing life.  Baby dolls lined her bed with a new one on her wish list every Christmas. She delighted in helping her mother take care of the little ones she took in.  You see, her mother was a great example of helping those in need by offering child care to those in a bind, no matter what the circumstance.  It wasn’t the fault of the ones in need of someone to hold them, play with them and love them.  The little girl sometimes got in trouble for putting things like a ball, a rolled up towel or a baby-doll up her shirt, pretending. She only knew that was how God grew babies.


Once when she was a little older she met a family with two teenaged children.  They were a foster family who gave a temporary home to infants waiting placement in their permanent home.  The girl was intrigued and thought one day she would do that to, after she had children “of her own” of course.  Little did she know God was putting a call on her heart that would take her on a journey she had never dreamed of.

With a life built on the expectation of motherhood the girl, now a married woman, was surprised when things didn’t happen as easily as planned.  The next few years were very emotional.  Even though she was always excited for her friends, it became difficult to hear of their families growing as she continued to wait and wonder.  Everyone tried to be encouraging.  “Don’t worry.”  “It will happen when it is supposed to happen.” “Relax, go on a vacation.” These were only a few things she heard from people trying to be supportive.  None of it helped.  Now she found herself in the roll of taking care of other people’s children as she continued to wait and wonder.

Tests were conducted and results pensively waited for to no avail.  There was no reason for the infertility-no medical reason that is.  In the girl’s heart she was confident this was God ‘s hand, but to understand the reason she would have to continue to wait and wonder.  She did an in depth study on barren women in the Bible, searching for why wombs had been opened.  The answer:  Someone cried out to God.  That was already being done but still she waited and wondered.

Late one Saturday night, or more accurately, early one Sunday morning after discovering her prayer had yet again been answered with a “No,” she fervently cried out to her God, laying her questions at his feet.  “Why give me such a strong desire if You aren’t going to fulfill it?”  “Why am I good enough to take care of other children, but not good enough for my own?”  And “If this isn’t the plan, then what am I supposed to do.” After struggling with God through the night an answer came sooner than she expected.  An answer she wasn’t quit ready to hear.

The next morning at church a man spoke, a man the girl had never met.  His name was Tom Slaughter.  He was the head of Agape of North Carolina.  He was making an appeal for people to open their hearts and homes to be foster parents.  The need was great the available homes too few.  The girl sat in her seat not moving, knowing this answered all of her questions, but saying with a laugh, “God, this is not Your answer for me.”  The next week magazines were delivered that the girl subscribed to.  Three of the four magazines had a prominent article on either foster care or adoption-the fourth was a cooking magazine.  She threw up her hands and said, “OK, God, I hear You. You can stop now.”

A few days later as they were driving, the girl asked her husband about becoming foster parents.  His first answer was No.  “Now what?” She thought, I can’t do this by myself.  He brought it up again saying he knew she didn’t bring things up without first thinking about them.  They decided to go to an information meeting and see where it led.  It took over a year, much prayer and lots of paperwork for them to be licensed as foster parents.

Soon they had a two day old beautiful baby girl to love and take care of until time for her to be placed in an adoptive home.  Her dreams of motherhood were being realized in a  totally unexpected way, but she loved it.  Four weeks later the call came, they needed to have the baby at her adoption ceremony in two days.  The next days were hard ones.  The girl held and loved the baby as much as she could, whispering prayers for her life ahead, thankful she had been able to play an important part in her first days.  After the ceremony there was an incredible peace knowing prayers had been answered.

On the way home it was the husband’s turn to ask the question, “Why aren’t we looking in to adoption.”  In the girl’s mind, adopting had always been giving up on having “her own” children.  But then he said the words, “We want to start a family, if we adopt we are starting and we can still keep trying.”  And so, he journey to motherhood began.

That girl is me and many years and children later, if you ask me what adoption means to me, you won’t get a grandiose answer.  To me, adoption is the way God chose to grow my family, and Yes, they are MY children.  Going forward it would not have been the path I chose, but looking back, I wouldn’t do it any other way.

~Lisa Kolbe

Discover more about AGAPE of NC via their website, or learn more about our partnership with them (and even donate!) here. It’s not too late to join us and AGAPE of NC in a special giving campaign, Agape’s 2nd Annual Mother’s Day Triumph!

AGAPE Mother's Day Triumph

Drawing Close to the Heart of God {by Bob Stout}

diary_journal_bookOver the last 6 years, I have created a notebook of prayers and meditations written with the intention of drawing closer to God. Some of these meditations are inspired through scripture readings from that day but written as though you are in the presence of the Lord himself. I encourage you to keep a journal and write some of your thoughts and prayers to God. It helps bring definition and clarity to the spirit within us when we can come back years later and read what was said.

The meditation below was written on Sunday morning, April 11, 2010:

Lord, your word says in Proverbs 1:7 that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Understanding the love of the Lord comes later. But first, to know my place and recognize the power and strength of God’s majesty humbles me to bow in spirit. Lord, show me understanding and reveal your wisdom that I may begin to understand the expanse of your glory. Open my mind and show my heart the way I should go. Forgive me when I take my life into my own hands and try to direct it on my own. Father, your creation is full of beauty and majestic in all its ways. Your ways are right, refreshing, full of newness and creativity. Let me boost in the smallest of your creations and the vastness of your reach. For sure you have made the earth and the heavens reflect your glory. From the delicate workings of a silk fly to the grandeur of an oak tree, from the fragrance of the lilac flower to the gentle breeze on a clear blue day. Your word is ever present and comforts my soul.

Whether you write your thoughts down or not, the important thing is that you read God’s word and spend time talking with God in prayer. With dedication, you will find His peace, comfort, and guidance for your life.

God’s blessings be with you.

~Bob Stout

this is not my fault

mother_daughter_fieldAs a child development major in college, I was concerned when my daughter was 12 months old and I had never heard a sound come out of her (other than cries). I worked with children that had all sorts of problems (emotional, developmental) in the mental health field. A 12 month old that never made sounds, though, this was a whole different thing. My best friend in college majored in speech pathology. I called her up one night when Rebecca Lynn was 15 months old.

“Should I be concerned?” I asked.

My pediatrician wasn’t concerned. People kept telling me, “she will talk when she is ready.” My best friend’s response was, “why not get her assessed?” So I did. At 18 months old, Rebecca Lynn started speech therapy. She was in the Early Childhood Program through Wake County. My thoughts were, a few months of speech therapy, and she will be all caught up. After a year and a half of speech therapy, and three different speech therapists (right before the third went on maternity leave and Rebecca Lynn was aging out of the early childhood program), the speech therapist looked at me and said, “Have you ever heard of Apraxia of Speech?”

I looked at the speech therapist as she went on to explain this neurological disorder that doesn’t allow the brain to make a connection to the mouth. This results in a severe delay in speech, along with learning disabilities and speech issues for, quite possibly, most of her life. I was, to say the least, shocked. “Are you sure this isn’t a delay?” I asked.

She always has been a stubborn child. I took myself to the library one night, and I researched Apraxia of Speech. The disorder is caused by trauma. It ranges from mild to severe. The disorder causes kids to have low self esteem; could cause kids to be bullied for the way they sound; and they may never make social connections necessary for school. As I read the symptoms, I felt like I was reading a story about Rebecca Lynn. I felt God telling me the answer. I have a daughter with Apraxia of Speech.

After months of denial, guilt, and trying to figure out a course of treatment, I finally heard God say, “Here is your chance.” I had been frustrated at work for months for not getting promoted. I finally felt God saying, “this is where you need to be.” I started getting involved. I signed up for the 2014 Apraxia walk. I was inspired to see so many other people there that had children similar to Rebecca Lynn. I was inspired to see children who had started making progress and were talking. After that walk, Rebecca Lynn got approved for an iPad with voice recognition. At first, this made me think, “wow, she is really severe if she gets approved for that.” What God was saying was, “here is a resource available to you.”

So I continued learning, educating myself and others. I have been writing letters to our governor to get a day where we can celebrate and recognize Apraxia. By the way, Apraxia Awareness day is now May 14! I have signed up to coordinate the Apraxia walk in Raleigh this year (mark August 29 on your calendars). I am also walking in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky walk in September. I am getting to know many wonderful people in a new community. I am also able to be a resource for people whose children have Apraxia of Speech, and they are looking to me for answers. I hope to have the opportunity to teach baby sign language, because that has helped Rebecca Lynn immensely to communicate with others. Yep, this is what I am supposed to be doing. This is where God has called me.

Oh, the frustrations are there daily. We have been through 5 speech therapists. Insurance won’t cover speech therapy, so she is not getting the treatment that she needs even with the diagnosis. I get so tired of explaining why my child isn’t answering to strangers. I am tired of getting looks from people because she carries an iPad around with her. I get frustrated with Rebecca Lynn. One of the words that she does say is, “mama.” Well, she says, “mama” ALL DAY LONG, because she can. It gets real challenging, but God is my coping mechanism. He reminds me daily that I can do this. When I see the relief on her face when she gets her needs met, when I see her sign or use her iPad, these are all daily blessings and they daily wash away the frustrations.

At three years old, my daughter can say three words. Every day, I see God through her. She’s brave, she’s confident, she interacts with others, even when they question her. She trusts and knows that one day, her brain will work properly.  Until then, she has this amazing support team. When God made Rebecca Lynn, he knew what he was doing. He knew that I needed a child like this in my life to teach me patience, to teach me to trust in him and to teach me that his perfect timing is everything. As a working mother, mother of two, and a wife, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think “is this my fault?” “Is there more I could do”? “Do I need to quit my job and do more for her?” Well, here are the answers that God has given during times of prayer:  God loves me!! He has given me the greatest gifts in the world. He has given me a job that I get to help and treat his creations and be a part of their recovery journey! Why would he tell me to stop doing that? This is not my fault! Speech issues run in my family. So does diabetes, bad teeth and poor vision. This stuff happens, and if God gave it to me, he will get me through it. I am doing the best that I can do!! I make time for my family. We do activities together, eat together, learn together, and I have been very proactive in getting Rebecca Lynn the help she needs. I feel confident (after months of convincing myself) that I am a good mom and with the support of my coworkers, husband, family, and church family, we are all pulling together to help my child.

God speaks to us through the strangest ways! I never thought I would be so involved in something. I never thought I would have so much passion for children with speech disorders. When God wants you to do something, he will put it in your life. So, here I write with a heart full of gratitude and hope. I am thankful for my life. I used to compare my daughter with others. “Well, she doesn’t have nearly a bad a disability as that child.” Though, that might be true, this is still a disability that Rebecca Lynn has to live with everyday. We have no idea what the future looks like for her as far as education and social life, but what we do know is she is in good hands. We have hope that she will talk one day. I picture Rebecca Lynn speaking at her high school graduation. She will inspire so many as she has already inspired me!

~Heather Waite


This post appeared for the first time on our Family website,  Please visit sometime and connect with us there as well!

Sharing Your Talents {Shepherds Corner by Richard Moore}

circle_185900Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are blessed to live in this great country and witness sports at its best. Most recently in record numbers, millions of people watched the New England Patriots defeat the Seattle Seahawks in the famed 2015 NFL Super Bowl and the NCAA National Basketball Championship as Duke University defeated the University of Wisconsin. The one common denominator that sets these champions apart from other teams is their reliance on multi-talented players to produce strong and solid teams. The message in this experience for Christians is clear.

God too is interested in building a strong and solid team called the church. To do so, God grants a perfect mix of talents, skills, and gifts. Yes, some players on His team may have more talents than others, but only when the players work together as a team or as Paul called “A Body,” are championships won! You are urged to get involved and share your talents, skills, and gifts by serving God and His church. Support the ministries of the church by volunteering your service aimed at the glorification of God and the edification of fellow Christians, rather than self promotion or self-glorification.

As Christians each of us has a responsibility to share our talents. The business of the church represents a team effort of working together. Sometimes the human in us may be tempted to discount the value of some people. But all of us are a part of the church and none of us can do as well without other Christians as we can with them. In this regard, God has wisely distributed our talents, gifts, and skills, so that the church can have a complete and well rounded ministry.

If He gave you a talent, then you can be certain that He had good reason for doing so. Somewhere in the overall activity of the church there’s a place where your God given ability, whether it’s administration, preaching, teaching, singing, hospitality, building and grounds, mercy or whatever, fits perfectly. Everyone needs to realize that his/her gift is as valid as any other, and you may be able to provide a service that others who are gifted differently cannot. Having one gift rather than another does not disqualify anyone from usefulness in the body of Christ.

Many people want only to be served and not to serve. But Paul explains that God has given us gifts for the purpose of serving others. Also, we are reminded in Mark 10: 43,45…Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant…For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many… The Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 12: 4-11 …there are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men…

1st Corinthians 12: 21-26, Paul used the Body-Church Analogy. Every spiritual gift is needed if the church is to operate effectively. Similarly, each part of the human body is needed if the body is to function properly. A body that is nothing but an eye can see fine, but it is deaf. A body that is limited to an ear can certainly hear, but it is incapable of smelling. (Verse 17)

God never intended the church to be a one man show. He has provided numerous spiritual gifts and talents throughout this congregation so that individual members of the church operate together as the Body of Christ (1st Corinthians 12: 27). Every spiritual gift is significant and needed. It is vital that these talents and gifts be put into practice so that the church’s ministry is complete and God is glorified.

Brothers and Sisters, my challenge to you is to step outside of the box in 2015 and commit to the Lord by sharing your talents and abilities. If not now, When? If not here, Where? If not you, Who?

Nana’s dressing ~ {from Anne Marie Davis}

nanas dressing

Nana’s Dressing

1. Cook boneless chicken breast in enough water to cover until chicken is completely done
2. Tear the chicken into bite size pieces and place the pieces in the bottom of an 8×11 pan
3. Cook a recipe of corn bread (recipe found on a self-rising meal- Nana used buttermilk
4. Crumble cornbread and 1/2 section of a saltine crackers into a large bowl
5. Saute one medium diced onion, add to mixture
6. Add 1 stick of margarine, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp poultry seasoning, 1 cup milk (whole), 2 cups chicken broth (or more- make it the consistency of mush), add a little salt and pepper
7. Turn it into baking pan, bake at 350 degrees for one hour and 30 minutes. Check dressing periodically because oven temperatures may vary

Those are Nana’s exact instructions. However, when I have made it I use cheapo Jiffy cornbread, 2 boxes, and almost a whole section of saltines. Also, I only cook it for an hour.


Communion thoughts from a young man ~ Sean Condon

Exodus 12:25-27  New International Version (NIV)

 When you enter the land that the Lord will give you as he promised, observe this ceremony. And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’  then tell them, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.’” Then the people bowed down and worshiped.

It was for this purpose that God instituted the Passover ceremony.  Not so that the Hebrews could feast on this special day.   Not so they could celebrate the Egyption’s first born being killed, but so that they could remind themselves of what God had done for them.  To remember when God guided them out of slavery and into the promise land, and more importantly, to pass this knowledge to their children.  This is one of the most important aspects of one’s faith;  to pass it on to the next generation.  God knew that the Hebrews would forget God’s power and protection easily.  Didn’t the Hebrews complain incessantly when they were in the wilderness, and ask that they  be returned to Egypt?  Hadn’t they just seen Gods power in the plagues, the parting of the red sea, and quite obviously, their freedom from the Egyptions in general.  God had literally just saved the Israelites from slavery, and yet, they still forgot.  If the people of that generation were already forgetting and taking God’s power for granted, think of how easy it would be for future generations.  THIS  is why the Passover was established; to remember the sacrificial lamb and the salvation God had given them from slavery.  With this tradition, the faith of the Hebrews has been passed down for thousands of years in not only the Jewish culture, but in the  Christian culture  as well.  For when Jesus broke bread at the last supper, he did not change the reason or tradition itself.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26:  For I received from the Lord, what I passed on to you: the lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”  In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”  For whenever you eat this bread an drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

When we partake in the Lord’s supper, we are partaking in the new Passover.  This time Jesus is the lamb slain in sacrifice for our salvation.  We remember this sacrifice and our own salvation through this tradition.  It is the WHY to our salvation.  We remember this sacrifice and our salvation through this tradition.  It is the WHY to the WHATS of Christianity. It is important that the parents generation remembers why the do what they do, lest the children feel as if what they do is useless.  The new generation ask the question WHY?  Why do we partake in this strange ceremony?  Why do we come to church on Sunday?  Why do we follow these rules from a 2000 year old book?  It remains only the parents faith if these “why” questions are not answered.  Like the Israelites in the desert, we forget God’s power and grace, and we need reminding.  And it is vital that our children understand that this is not just a tradition we do because we have always done it.  Be ready to answer the whys of the next generation.  As we partake in the bread and juice, think about why we do this, and remember.

Planting the Seeds in Your Life Garden

 What’s in my spring garden?

red potatoes, onions, broccoli, beets, radishes, romaine lettuce, butter crisp lettuce.

I just can’t see them yet. 🙂
I should have plenty to share!!!”

Dena Kline Thomas wrote the words above on her Facebook page that placed this seed in my heart…

She’s planting seeds of faith!”
Don’t you love it?!!

In Dena’s statement she states
what is in her garden, that she can’t see what she’s going to harvest AND that she WILL have plenty to share

She plants with the belief that God will provide and will provide enough to share.

“Faith is not believing God can,
it is knowing He will!”

Life Gardens all start with the smallest seed.

Planting the seed of belief brings a love that will fill you with inexpressible and glorious love. You water and nuture that seed and then you see it grow and grow and bloom and bloom into an Inexpressible and Glorious Joy…WOW! 

Planting the seed with faith, believing that “with God all things are possible.” 

“Thank you, God, for bringing about growth in my seed of faith. Help it to bloom and blossum so that I may share your inexpressible and glorious joy with others!” 

By Kim Harrison

Growing Your Life Garden


Have you always dreamed of having a beautiful garden full of beautiful flowers or yummy vegetables that would provide enough with offerings to share?  Or maybe you dreamed of a garden that would bring serenity and peace, a place where you could sit and meditate on the joy of all God’s wonderful blessings? Have you ever imagined a garden that would bring glory to God, one the He would want to spend time in?

Have you ever dreamed of a Life that blessed you with wonderful bouquets of blessings?  Gave you peace and joy?  One that could be shared with others and allowed you to offered a “Token of Love”?  A life that would bring glory to God and one where God dwelled?

Well, it is time to begin growing your own Life Garden!

How does one begin?

First, you need a plan.  You begin by plotting out your garden.
Ask yourself, what do I want from my garden?  Do I want to reap love, peace, joy, self-control, knowledge, kindness, faith…

Take inventory of the garden plot?  Look at the conditions of your current life garden ~ is there enough light, is your soil rich and good, does it lack nourishment, is it full of weeds?

What kind of garden do you wish to have?
Spot plot:  Just a little space needed, low maintenance, doesn’t require much water but only bears one maybe two crops.

Row Garden:  This type is well organized.  Not very flexible but produces a good harvest.  Does require a lot of time in weeding between the rows and watering may become more labor intensive.  One must stay rigid, making sure not to go outside of the boundaries, only allows narrow views but one is able to stay on the straight and narrow.

Raised Bed Garden: With this type of plot design, all your plants are planted together without any lines or rows, utilizes the space very well; also, less weeding is required. The raised bed promotes healthy plants by minimizing soil compaction and improving drainage and aeration. It is very adaptable from season to season and you can increase or change your garden as you grow. The major disadvantage to having a raised bed garden plot is that it takes more time to set up.

Small Farm Garden:  This type of gardening may be for those who are more experienced.  First time gardeners may not wish to begin here but potential is great with much dedication, study and determination.  It does require a great commitment but the harvest is plentiful when done correctly.

So, you have made the commitment to a Life Garden.  You want to work hand in hand with God and be hands on with his creation.  You want to harvest great things and pray that they will be bountiful so that you may share the fruits of your harvest with others.

Let’s get started:

Prepare Your Soil ~ 2 Timothy 2:15
Test your soil – determine your needs – do you lack something particular – is your soil hard as clay or acidic, if so you may need to amend the soil, add nutrients or change your planting choices so that you may reach your full harvest potential.  If you are set on a certain planting but your soil may not support that be patient.  You can amend the soil to provide those nutrients so that you can reap your desired harvest.  Get your hands dirty – participate in the process, get to know your garden and seek others who have the same passion.  The more you get involved in the preparation of the soil the more you will be surprised what will come from soil that is properly prepared.  Do your research – go to the source daily, seek and you shall find.

Till the ground – dig a little deeper.  Sometimes you may even have to look to other resources for a better understanding of what your garden truly needs.  Look to those who have been able to cultivate good gardens for more advice and information.  You may need to double dig or even rotary till.

Feed your soil ~ Deuteronomy 11:13-15
A soil that is rich with nutrients will be easier to garden.  Be careful not to over fertilize with chemicals! Stive to maintain a good rich natural balance in your soil.

Keep a Garden Journal ~ Deuteronomy 11:18-20
Writing down what you have learned and being able to go back and recall it is worthwhile.  Record what you have learned and when applied how it affected your garden.  You may learn that some things worked well to improve your Life Garden while others did more harm.

Be open to change ~ Acts 3:19
You may have to change direction (repentance) when gardening.  Things outside of your immediate control can effect your growth and you may make some mistakes but be deligent and stay focused on your goal.  Look around, you may find rewards where you least expected them.

Give credit where credit is due ~ Hebrews 13:15
As you work in your life garden look at all the little changes. Enjoy and celebrate the good that is forming.  Thank God for all that He is allowing to grow within you. Take pictures, journal and be aware of your ever changing garden. Most importantly ~ Give glory to your Great Creator!

Inhale…exhale…”Thank you, my Heavenly Father, for bringing me to this place, for giving me the resources and knowledge and using me to make a wonderful Life Garden that it may be enjoyed by all but more importantly that it may be a place that finds favor in your sight.”

Tell others God has brought you to this place and He is the one who has given you the blessings that you are receiving ~ 2Corinthians 9:13.

by Kim Harrison





Slow Cooker Cinnamon Almonds

cinnamon almonds







1 1/2 C. Sugar
1 1/2 C. Brown Sugar
3 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1/8 tsp. Salt
1 Egg White
2 tsp. vanilla
3 Cups Almonds
1/4 C. Water

1. Mix together in a large bowl sugars, cinnamon, and salt.

2. In another bowl with a whisk, mix together the egg white and vanilla until it is frothy. Add the almonds and coat thoroughly. This will help the mixture stick to the almonds during the cooking process.

3. Prepare your slow cooker by spraying it with cooking spray. I used a 4 quart. Add the cinnamon almond mixture and turn it to low. Be prepared for your house to smell amazing!

4. You want to cook for about 3-4 hours. Mine took about 3. Stirring every 20 minutes. In the very last hour, add 1/4 cup water and stir well. This will ensure a crunchy coating and help the mixture to harden.

5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the almonds onto the sheet to cool. The almonds should be pretty sticky so be sure to seperate them the best that you can and let them cool!

~Donnicia Pepper



Peace ~ by Amy Condon

My family and I are partaking in the One Word Challenge. This is not a resolution for the new year but a life focus and an opportunity to see God through a specific revelation. Our words are peace, forgiveness, honesty, and respect. Each word is powerful but these words were very specific to each of us. My daughter struggles with honesty, she is a people pleaser and never wants to disappoint anyone so she lies to cover her mistakes. My husband needs to remember he is forgiven so he can forgive fully. My son said that God gave him many words but he chose respect. Finally, I chose peace because I struggle with peace in every aspect of my life.
There are so many scriptures about the peace God wants to give us. Why is it so hard to accept it? What a dumb question, because the answer is simple…I am human. It is so much easier to see the chaos in front of my eyes then the peace that passes understanding. I would rather choose to worry about finances then believe in God’s promises to meet my needs. I would rather try to control everything around me than trust that God is who he says he is. I would rather attempt to manipulate the future than believe God has a better plan for us then I could ever imagine.

Peace means trusting in God’s promises
Peace means being content in jobs and lifestyle as long as we are glorifying God
Peace means I don’t manipulate and force situations
Peace means I wait in joyful expectation of God’s movement in my life
Peace means I rest in the knowledge that God loves me and will be with me through all of life’s struggles
Peace means I forgive greater than humanly possible
Peace means I have a merciful, non-judgemental heart that desires all to come to the knowledge of Christ

I have given so much of my happiness away to worry, discontent, anger, judgement, un-forgiveness, and un-attainable expectations on myself and others. No more! I want peace, I want that sigh of relief. I want people to see peace in me rather than distraction and worry. In a year, I desire to be different, changed. Peace will change me, look for it!      ~ Amy Condon