Tag Archives: the church

Sharing Your Talents {Shepherds Corner by Richard Moore}

circle_185900Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are blessed to live in this great country and witness sports at its best. Most recently in record numbers, millions of people watched the New England Patriots defeat the Seattle Seahawks in the famed 2015 NFL Super Bowl and the NCAA National Basketball Championship as Duke University defeated the University of Wisconsin. The one common denominator that sets these champions apart from other teams is their reliance on multi-talented players to produce strong and solid teams. The message in this experience for Christians is clear.

God too is interested in building a strong and solid team called the church. To do so, God grants a perfect mix of talents, skills, and gifts. Yes, some players on His team may have more talents than others, but only when the players work together as a team or as Paul called “A Body,” are championships won! You are urged to get involved and share your talents, skills, and gifts by serving God and His church. Support the ministries of the church by volunteering your service aimed at the glorification of God and the edification of fellow Christians, rather than self promotion or self-glorification.

As Christians each of us has a responsibility to share our talents. The business of the church represents a team effort of working together. Sometimes the human in us may be tempted to discount the value of some people. But all of us are a part of the church and none of us can do as well without other Christians as we can with them. In this regard, God has wisely distributed our talents, gifts, and skills, so that the church can have a complete and well rounded ministry.

If He gave you a talent, then you can be certain that He had good reason for doing so. Somewhere in the overall activity of the church there’s a place where your God given ability, whether it’s administration, preaching, teaching, singing, hospitality, building and grounds, mercy or whatever, fits perfectly. Everyone needs to realize that his/her gift is as valid as any other, and you may be able to provide a service that others who are gifted differently cannot. Having one gift rather than another does not disqualify anyone from usefulness in the body of Christ.

Many people want only to be served and not to serve. But Paul explains that God has given us gifts for the purpose of serving others. Also, we are reminded in Mark 10: 43,45…Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant…For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many… The Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 12: 4-11 …there are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men…

1st Corinthians 12: 21-26, Paul used the Body-Church Analogy. Every spiritual gift is needed if the church is to operate effectively. Similarly, each part of the human body is needed if the body is to function properly. A body that is nothing but an eye can see fine, but it is deaf. A body that is limited to an ear can certainly hear, but it is incapable of smelling. (Verse 17)

God never intended the church to be a one man show. He has provided numerous spiritual gifts and talents throughout this congregation so that individual members of the church operate together as the Body of Christ (1st Corinthians 12: 27). Every spiritual gift is significant and needed. It is vital that these talents and gifts be put into practice so that the church’s ministry is complete and God is glorified.

Brothers and Sisters, my challenge to you is to step outside of the box in 2015 and commit to the Lord by sharing your talents and abilities. If not now, When? If not here, Where? If not you, Who?